In our home we’re compelled by traditions, and this November blog post is starting to become one. Welcome to our 2nd annual article with suggestions for how to support food and shelter for the people around us. It’s inspired by the many ways we see individuals and organizations—rooted in compassion—giving in meaningful and practical ways around Tacoma and Pierce County. And it’s inspired by this quote:
“Neighbor is not a geographic term. It is a moral concept.”
Everyone can be part of supporting community! Our friend’s elementary school class decorated boxes with loving and encouraging messages for the Windermere Abode Community Meal Kits last year. Small hands, big hearts!
We get by with a little help from our friends. We all make it through life because others are also making in through alongside us. There doesn’t always seem to be a balance between give and take, need and plenty, especially if we take a short view. But over time, we all have something to give and a deep need to receive. So take the long view, and take a close look at this list of ways to give that supports neighbors and people who may never be known to you in our city and our county.
If you’re not able to give support this month, tuck some of these ideas away for a time when you can. The list of groups and organizations working toward housing stability and food security extends far beyond these 5; we’ll be back with more ways to support community in the coming months.
Bonus Way to Support:
Before we jump into our new group of 5, we want to mention one we highlighted last year. Think of it as a bonus. It’s our annual Windermere Abode Community Dinner Kits month! The goals is to support 200 households with a delicious holiday meal. The Abode crew raises money ($50 covers a full holiday meal including a turkey, but ANY amount helps!), shops, assembles the kits, and delivers them to local schools where staff have highlighted families who could be lifted up by a bit of support from their Tacoma neighbors. You can ask us about it or contribute to @communitydinnerkits253 via Venmo.
Image from CJK Community Homes Facebook
1. Support Affordable Housing & Mental Health in Pierce county with CJK community Homes
CJK Community Homes is a nonprofit based in Tacoma working toward Net Zero homelessness in Pierce County.
The CJK Community Homes Committment: “Serving our community one person at a time to end homelessness. We are committed to providing safe and affordable housing and supportive case management services to low-income families in Pierce County.”
Housing - transitional and permanent housing for families, and shared housing for individuals
Take a look at current and in-progress housing!
Onsite Wraparound Support - homelessness prevention, vocational training, financial literacy, mental health and life skill counseling
Financial Literacy - basic principles of finance for families and individuals
Image from Peace Lutheran Church Tacoma Facebook
2. Support Weekly Community Meals in Hilltop with Peace Community Meals
The Community Resources Ministry of Peace Lutheran Church seeks to love their neighbors by offering free hot meals, tables to gather around in a warm room, and resources from social service providers.
Community Meals:
5:30 to 6:30 pm at 2106 S. Cushman Ave in Tacoma’s Hilltop Neighborhood
Every Friday year round
Every weekday in April & October
Support by showing up for good company and a free meal, or by signing up to serve a meal! You could partner with a friend, co-workers, or community group. Contact Peace to learn more and sign-up to serve: 253-383-1317,
Or, donate funds to the Community Resources Ministry.
Dedication of the 2-bedroom DADU in January 2023.
3. Support Affordable Housing in Hilltop - Peace Lutheran Housing Ministry
The Peace Affordable Housing Ministry is rooted in Peace’s commitment to anti-racism. “Our Hilltop neighborhood is gentrifying, and this has meant the displacement of many low-income families, often families of color. At Peace we see families cycling in and out of homelessness, moving all over the city and county, moving out of the Hilltop and away from supportive connections. We see this as a justice issue. Affordable housing provides a direct method for stabilizing families in the Hilltop. It is an investment in the Hilltop by securing more long-term affordable housing in the Hilltop in order to maintain our diverse and vibrant community.”
To this end, since 2014, Peace purchased three nearby houses and built a two-bedroom DADU (detached accessory dwelling unit). The program currently supports four families transitioning from homelessness and continues to dream and work towards expanding affordable housing in Hilltop.
Learn more here (or talk to us!). You can also contribute to the Affordable Housing Ministry.
Image from St. Leo Food Connection Facebook
4. Support Food on Every Table with St. Leo’s Food Connection
St. Leo’s Food Connection is going strong in downtown Tacoma since the 1980s. It’s grown from a small food pantry into one of the biggest emergency food programs in the Tacoma area.
Children’s Programs - the Backpack Program, Summer Meals, and more
Food Rescue - drivers collecting food from community partners like grocery stores
St. Leo’s Food Connection Mission: “Our mission and belief is that God, out of love for us, has created a world in which there is enough food for everyone, if only we are willing to share.”
Opportunities to support the Food Connection come in a variety of ways. Learn more about ways to volunteer and get involved. Explore ways to donate and give.
Image from Associated Ministries Facebook
5. Support Housing Stability in Tacoma & Pierce County with Associated Ministries
From adult home sharing to youth host homes, from payee and homeless mail services to rapid rehousing, Associated Ministries supports vulnerable neighbors in a wide range of ways as they work to end homelessness through “advocacy, education, and service.”
AM's Mission: "Working together toward lasting solutions to homelessness."
Other programs and services include streamlining the housing application process for clients to resource fair events focusing on housing assistance, medical services, and dental services to Paint Tacoma Beautiful, a volunteer powered program for painting the exteriors of homes of low-income, elderly and disabled homeowners.
Want to learn more? Discover more about AM’s services here. Looking for ways to help? Visit Associated Ministries' Get Involved page to learn about donating and volunteering.